Usher Syndrome

What is the Usher Syndrome?

The Usher Syndrome the most common condition affecting vision and hearing as well. It is a rare genetic disorder which is the main cause of deaf-blindness.

What are the symptoms of Usher Syndrome:

Symptoms of Usher Syndrome include:
– deafness or increasing loss of hearing
– Retinitis Pigmentosa
– difficulties in balancing
– tunnel vision

Usher Syndrome is a various condition in that the degree of severity is not connected to what clinical type someone has.

Usher Syndrome is genetic. It is a recessive condition, meaning that both parents must carry the gene in order for a person to get this syndrome.

Normal vision vs. Usher Syndrome

Usher Syndrome can divide into three clinical types:

Usher type 1

People with Usher Syndrome type 1 are born profoundly deaf and begin to lose their vision in the first years of life. They are impaired in their ability to learn how to walk.



Usher type 2

People with Usher Syndrome type 2 have hearing loss. They do not seem to have noticeable problems with balance and begin losing vision in the second decade of life.


Usher type 3

People with Usher Syndrome type 3 are not born deaf. They experience a gradual loss of hearing and vision.


What to expect from Usher Syndrome

Nowadays Usher Syndrome is not a curable disorder. The best treatment includes early diagnosis, so that educational programs can start as soon as possible. Treatment may also include the use of hearing aids, assistive listening devices, implants, other communication methods, orientation and mobility training and low vision or Braille services.


Highlights from our trip to Berlin

This short video shows some of the best parts of our day out in Berlin. We visited many different places and used different forms of transport to get around the city. We visited the Museum of Photograpy and enjoyed a guided tour, if you visit Berlin I recommend that you also try and visit this museum as it is very interesting. After the tour we split into two different groups with one group visiting the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichtag (German Parliament), Alexanderplatz, the Holocaust Memorial and Potsdamerplatz while the second group visited the Berlin Wall Memorial. Stefan explained aspects of the site to the group and then participants were able to visit the exhibition about the wall. After enjoying learning new things we were allowed some free time to relax in a cafe and buy souveniers of our trip to the city.